Words with endo and more
Words with endo and more

Please note: the Wiktionary contains many more words - in particular proper nouns and inflected forms: plurals of nouns and past tense of verbs - than other English language dictionaries such as

#Words with endo and more free#

Words and their definitions are from the free English dictionary Wiktionary published under the free licenceĬreative Commons attribution share-alike. Potential litterature) such as lipograms, pangrams, anagrams, univocalics, uniconsonantics etc. To play Scrabble, Words With Friends, hangman, the longest word, and forĬreative writing: rhymes search for poetry, and words that satisfy constraints from the Ouvroir de Littérature Potentielle (OuLiPo: workshop of You can use it for many word games: to create or to solve crosswords, arrowords (crosswords with arrows), word puzzles, Like Julia Quinn who writes the BRIDGERTON series.Lots of Words is a word search engine to search words that match constraints (containing or not containing certain letters, starting or ending letters, In the 21st century she would be considered a category romance author. Popular and genre fiction have their skills and their conveyances as well which are every bit as demanding – sometimes more demanding – than Jane Austen. In children’s literature this is also reflected through judicious use of illustration – and often can enhance the author’s and publisher’s choices.Īusten used much of her training in drama and entertainment to make her great works. How would you have people know the character if there WEREN’T any dialogue tags? īody language also conveys meaning and personality – whether conscious or not.Īnd, so, yes, does tone and volume of the voice. Hardy Boys are a great example of literary collaboration and writing to rule/to order. If you have found this post useful, look out for the next one, which is on the same subject, but focuses specifically on using animal noise verbs to show human personality and emotion.Ī lot of your comments have been said by English – specifically rhetoric and composition – professors through the last 40 and 50 years. She spends all day jabbering on the phone.

words with endo and more

‘I promise I’ll never do it again,’ he gabbled. If you want to show that someone is speaking quickly and indistinctly, often through excitement or fear, you could use the verbs gabble, babble or jabber: ‘They’re not meant to be here,’ he muttered. She mumbled something about having lost track of the time. Mutter is similar, but is usually used to indicate anger or worry, while murmur is softer and usually used in positive situations: If you mumble, your words are quiet and difficult to understand. ‘Well,’ he drawled, ‘I’m surprised to see you here again.’ Another verb for unclear speech is slur, which often implies that someone is drunk: This is a good verb to indicate laziness or arrogance. People who drawl speak slowly but unclearly, with long vowel sounds. ‘I don’t trust them!’ she burst out angrily. These both imply loud noises, whereas groan and moan indicate lower, softer sounds and whimper is soft but higher-pitched:Ī good verb for showing that someone is shocked is splutter, while burst out often shows that someone cannot control their emotions: If you want to show that someone is upset or in pain, you could choose a verb such as howl or wail. He fell over and we all screeched with laughter. If they are used on their own, they usually indicate shock or anger, but they can also be used for positive emotions where this is specified: Other verbs for shouting loudly are shriek and screech. ‘Get back inside right now!’ he bellowed. Anyone who has been on a creative writing course will be familiar with the maxim ‘Show, don’t tell,’ and choosing a specific synonym for ‘say’ can help you to do this.įor instance, instead of saying directly that someone is angry, a reporting verb such as bellow or bawl clearly conveys the same idea: This post looks at ways of conveying personality or emotions by choosing a more interesting verb than ‘say’ when you report someone’s speech.

words with endo and more

Listen to the author reading this blog post: Tara Moore / DigitalVision / GettyImages

Words with endo and more